Father Josimo Tavares

Father Josimo Morais Tavares was born in 1953 in the state of Pará, Brazil, to a humble family of African descent. Leaving home at age eleven to attend seminary, Father Josimo was ordained a priest on January 20, 1979, and dedicated his ministry to pastoral and social solidarity with landless rural workers. Father Josimo’s ministry took place in the midst of military dictatorship, and he worked tirelessly to defend small farmers, agricultural workers, and the landless rural poor against the rural oligarchy of large landowners. Father Josimo worked as a coordinator for the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) in Bico do Papagaio, clearly defining his commitment to vulnerable communities in a region known for intense land disputes. This commitment caused him to be hated by landowners seeking to expand their landholdings, and Father Josimo began to receive death threats. On April 15, 1986, five shots were fired at his vehicle in an assassination attempt. On April 27, he delivered a report to the Diocesan Assembly of Tocantinópolis on his ministry, clarifying the reasons for the death threats against him. In this report, Josimo declared that he knew his death was coming because of his commitment to the Gospel call of solidarity with the poor and oppressed. He quoted scripture saying, “The disciple is not greater than the Master. If they persecute me, they will persecute you too.” On May 10, 1986, Fr. Josimo was shot twice as he was entering the Pastoral Land Commission offices in Imperatriz. He was able to walk to the hospital but died of his wounds two hours later. He was a poet and is remembered for his gentle demeanor, his love for dancing, playing soccer, playing the guitar, and listening to people tell their stories. 


(Choose "CC" and auto-translated subtitles for approximate translations)

“Josimo – O Padre negro de sandálias surradas”

Vida no Sul: Matéria sobre vida e martírio do Padre Josimo

Padre Josimo Tavares - Mártir Da Terra

Vida no Sul: Dona Olinda, a mãe do Padre Josimo


The Death Foretold of Josimo Tavares
by Pedro Tierra

I bring in the palm of my hand
a handful of earth that covered you.
It's fresh.
It's dark, but not yet free
as you wanted.

I know inside
that you don't want just tears.
Your earth on the table
tells me with its sharp silence:
My blood will will
rise like a river in chains
and break through the fences of the world.

A river of summoned blood
will flow through your shirt
and that will be a banner
over the heads of the rebels.

Click here to download a full English translation of this poem

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Chico Mendes (1944-1988) - Brazil